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There are 4 upcoming events

REMBE® Veranstaltung

Theoretical and practical basics of rupture discs in industry

Venue: REMBE® GmbH Safety+Control, Brilon, Germany
In the basic seminar, the participants are trained on topics relating to bursting discs, bursting disc types, application limits and special challenges as well as signaling options and a wide variety of connection options. The assembly and disassembly of the bursting discs and also the corresponding bursting tests on the REMBE® test stand show the participants how complex the subject of bursting discs is and how sensitive the handling of these components should be. The Seminar language is german.
REMBE® Veranstaltung

LOPA – Layers of Protection Analysis (English) | Germany

Venue: REMBE® GmbH Safety+Control, Brilon, Germany
Process plants can pose both plant-related and process specific hazards to people and the environment. Therefore, risk assessment is a legal obligation of the employer and/or process owner in most regions of the world. This 2-day course will introduce you to the basic knowledge about the LOPA methodology, the evaluation of independent protection layers & allow you to apply this method to sample cases as part of the associated workshop. The seminar language is English.


Venue: Nuremberg, Germany
Powtech is an international exhibition for mechanical process engineering, analytics and handling of powder and bulk solids. It is organised by Nürnberg Messe with the support of the APV and the VDI Society for Process and Chemical Engineering.
REMBE® Veranstaltung

Theoretical and practical basics of rupture discs in industry

Venue: REMBE® GmbH Safety+Control, Brilon, Germany
In the basic seminar, the participants are trained on topics relating to bursting discs, bursting disc types, application limits and special challenges as well as signaling options and a wide variety of connection options. The assembly and disassembly of the bursting discs and also the corresponding bursting tests on the REMBE® test stand show the participants how complex the subject of bursting discs is and how sensitive the handling of these components should be. The Seminar language is german.
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REMBE® GmbH Safety+Control
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