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REMBE® Technical Journal online

#pioneeringnews for RFM, customers and partners

Highlights of the current anniversary edition

From niche market provider to the world market leader.

At the age of 82, Bernhard Penno is visibly enthusiastic about his company and talks unpretentiously about many ideas, the difficult first entrepreneurial steps, people, trust and his stamina over the past 50 years.

Q-Rohr®, cables and careers.

Eigentlich wollte Marita Penno nur ein Überbrückungsjahr nach ihrem Schulabschluss bei REMBE® machen. Heute leitet Sie die IT-Abteilung und geht mit uns auf eine kleine Zeitreise durch ihre Karriere.

"Cordiality and respect are good lessons to learn."

When Kerstin Penno's father arranged a holiday job for his daughter in 1997 in the good Sauerland way "at the bar with Friedhelm Kesting", the then 23-year-old was still studying in Paderborn. "I didn't know exactly what this company did and went to my first job in Gallbergweg unsuspectingly, as the only woman on the shop floor at the time.
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